Thursday, March 27, 2008

My Treasures

I cannot say enough, how adoption has changed my life. It was the hardest thing I have gone through. Anyone who thinks that adoption is the easy way out, has never adopted. I am so in awe of my children. How strong and resilient these two souls are. They have lived through so much in their short life. They are my heroes and my greatest inspiration.


James said...

Hi Yoli,

Thanks for the nice comment. My weblog didn't really end... It's just waiting for me to have enough time to startup again.

Perhaps your comment will get me going again. We shall see.

How recent was your adoption? Since you've read my weblog, you know I've been through three but I can't imagine having two all in one shot. (I assume those are your kids in the picture)

My Castle in Spain said...

Dear Yoli,
I just first saw the title of your post "My Treasures" without the photo and wondered what it could be...and now I feel moved. Your kids look so lovely. I'm sure they give you so much joy.
Have a happy day. Lala

Barbara said...

Lots of people don't understand how much our kids have endured. I adore mine as well.
I love their monkey tops!

mama d said...

Word. Sometimes it's difficult to see so much life in their eyes.

kerri said...

Beautiful Yoli.
My girls are two of my greatest heros, they continue to inspire me daily, adoption is hard but worth every second.

polkadot said...

beauties, even from the backside ;)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Seeing this photo made me think of what it is going to be like when we get Shauna... wonder if she is born yet? If so? What is she doing? Where is she? I know that in the end... it is going to be worth it 1,000 times over...

Unknown said...

wow Yoli, a beautiful post. thanks for sharing your treasures.

Gill said...

I agree, children are a glad you have the two beauties you have now!!!
Kids are treasures, worth more than anything in this world.

OH MY #6 said...

I love this post, Yoli. Beautiful, just beautiful.


Jewels of My Heart said...

I just found your blog.... Your children are just beautiful and this post touched my heart... I am so happy for you that your babies are home.
God Bless You

Mamacita said...

I can't believe it. He's almost as big as she is! They are both so beautiful! Sigh.

Yoli said...

Yes paga those two are my beautiful children. My adoption was not at once. I adopted my oldest in 2006 and my youngest in 2008. I hope you start up your blog again. I would love to keep reading.