Saturday, April 5, 2008


There are days when I feel so inadequate as a Mom. I wish I were like some of those Moms that seem to know everything, have everything together. I know my children laugh a lot but I wonder if there is something else I should be doing. I don't know, like putting them in dance class or music lessons. I guess I am feeling insecure.


Mamacita said...

You mean you wish you were one of those moms who ACTS like she knows everything and SEEMS like she has everything together and WALKS as if she has no insecurities.

We all have them...whether we show them or not. Do you think that dance class will make the difference in the quality of life of your kids? I don't.

Don't go to the "overschedule your kids" part of town. They are not doing their kids any favors in the long run.

Love you. You are great. Wish I was in the area you live in today.

acaligurl said...

mamacita is right on!!
mine are 17 & 13. keep hugging them, and tell them you love them and don't forget to tell them how awesome they are!!

My Castle in Spain said...

Holà Yoli,
I think Mamacita's got a point here.

Of course kids may want dancing or karate classes but the main thing is that they feel confident in your love, isn't it ?
I think, it's great you tackle the subject.
Te envio muchos rayos de sol...

FishermansDaughter said...

Dear Sweet Yoli
You give your precious children all they could ever want or need every day when you remain present. You are their gift.

Heather said...

I feel this way all the time as I rush from work to home, to dinner, to the bath, to bed...But personally, I think laughter is more important than lessons.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Let them do their activities... but just live each day as it comes... don't try to be one of the 'super mums'... be the fun mum that you are and that is 1,000 times better then one of those 'super mums'... take care and hugs to ya...

Maia said...

I bet those moms who "seem" to know it all are big bowls of jelly on the inside. Lots of people appear thoroughly confident on the outside, but remember what you said about everyone being a kid inside. We just learn to present a confident, adult "front" to the world! Yoli, if I were a kid, I'd want you for a parent - loving, creative, cool, thoughtful, intelligent, with an enormous heart and a poetic and spiritual soul. You're the cat's pajamas, and don't you forget it!
(That said, I suppose insecurity is what keeps us humble.)

Barbara said...

Oh, Yoli! I'm into exposing my kids to lots of different experiences BUT not at the expense of my sanity and never out of guilt! I enrolled my daughter in violin when she was 5 because she begged me to. When my kids express an interest, I look into lessons and IF they are close by and convenient, we go for it. All my kids took dance in preschool ONLY because they offered it at their preschool. My kids are happiest when they are home and playing together - drawing, riding bikes, dancing, and just fooling around together.

mama d said...

Don't let the robo-moms get you down! I know plenty of moms who think it's wonderful that their kids know phonics before kindergarten, but still wonder why they don't get cuddles and giggles.

As Maude said to Harold, "Go out and love some more!"

Juliette said...

I agree with everybody here: your kids won't do better in their lives because they got dance or music lessons early on. I think by loving them and having fun with them you build their confidence and by doing so they'll be willing to try everything later in life.
Don't push them out the nest too soon. Better give them wings and the willing and curiosity to fly. They'll do the rest themselves when time is good.

- Susan - said...

Hi Yoli,

I like your blog and the pictures and the different subjects.
I feel the same. I have only on child, he will be 5 soon and I am thinking if it is not time to have him doing piano and tennis etc...
But deep down I think the best is to let him play by himself in his great playroom and outside to discover new games and old games and to invent games. Later maybe I will introduce him to other things. Maybe piano as he loves music, making music, playing instruments and sing.
I also tried a tennis lesson (as his friend was doing so) but it was so boring... I started playing at 6, so he has some more time to discover that game.

Take care.


PS: Thanks for visiting BeijingNotebook and leaving your comment.

redmaryjanes said...

The sign of a true mother. You recognize the invaluable gifts you have been given in your children and only begin to hope that you are somehow adequate enough to be the mother of ones so beautiful and amazing.
I feel the same way all the time.

Frieda said...

the fact that you are aware of your mothering and you are conscious about it, tells me that you are indeed a great mom.

My kids are 11 and 9 and I still have those moment...don't worry, by your words you show that you are lovely mom.

Mélanie said...

I guess we all feel insecure and above when you have children ( I don't)
This photo is fantastic, touching and meaningful