Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Our little trays

Our little trays from Arthur's Circus arrived today, didn't notice the package until late at night. Can't wait until my little ones enjoy them tomorrow.


Tamara said...

Very cute!

kerri said...

I love them, my girls would enjoy these out in the treehouse!!
Hope your kids enjoyed the surprise!!

Maia said...

those are very cool!

rochambeau said...

Hey Yoli,
What cool trays these are. The have an Asian feel. I'm sure your little ones will enjoy them! Must check out Arthur's Circus. Thanks for the link.
Have a great day.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

love the trays...

My Castle in Spain said...

Que mono y gracioso Yoli !
entonces, feliz desayuno y comida y merienda...

Enjoy it !

OH MY #6 said...

Love them!


polkadot said...

I need them. Because one is a "Cat" and that's what we call Catherine.

PixieDust said...

eeeeeeeeee! So sweet!!!


Anke said...

saw these at arthur's circus - so cute! (as is the baby monkey in your sidebar - this must be one of the sweetest photos i've ever seen!)

FrenchGardenHouse said...

oh my gosh, I LOVE those! How cute are they. I think I will have to visit the site right now.:)
Hope you have a happy weekend!
xo Lidy

Alexander Santillanes said...

Wow, those are so sweet! I could eat all of my meals from the rabbit tray. -X