"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful." Chapter 2, pg. 21
The Portrait of Dorian Gray~ by Oscar Wilde
......Chasing after Mike Rowe! I just caught that. You funny lady.
WHERE on earth do you find the most profound images?
Oh Yoli~
I totally agree to the yielding. I do it all the time. Everything in moderation and within the confines of the law I say!!!
Gillian you crack me up!
The Picture of Dorian Gray was on TCM not too long ago. Really great film for 1945.
That picture is terrific! Where on earth did you find it?
I was just about to go to bed and I stopped by your page...OMG! The image of Dorian Grey is disturbing...now I have to stay up another hour surfing other blogs just to get that image out of my head or I'll never get to sleep...lol.
Whatever works for you to stay up surfing the net...
totally agree. and then, it's not even temptation. it's just another wish.
i do so love looking at the images on your blog yoli. your choices and sensibilities seem to harmonize with what is in my own mind. what you post simply demands a reflective double take and i rather like that.
your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road
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