Sunday, June 29, 2008

F.I.R. - 月牙灣

This song (which I do not know what is called) was playing in China everywhere when I went to pick up my son. I went into a music store, hummed the music as best as I could. Amid the throngs of laughter from the cashier girls, they located it. The group is called F.I.R. They are very popular in Asia, the lead singer is Thai.


FishermansDaughter said...

Nice to see the albino snake from the Britney MTV performance is getting work -


Yoli said...

Isn't it? I always thought that was the most talented being in that performance.

Maia said...

That's funny - when I first lived in MExico as a student, the house next door to our host-home was constantly playing one album over and over 24-7. My roommate and I had JUST begun to learn spanish, and couldn't understand the words yet, so it just sounded like this monotonous, repetetive, annoying refrain. But we had it memorized, and joked about it constantly. Well, I fell in love for the first time on that trip, and when I had to go back to the US, I tracked down the album and listened to it obsessively for the next three years. I could still sing the whole album by memory now.

mama d said...

Oooh, what a phenomenal sense memory!

Barbara said...

What a lovely story and such a great story to tell your son when he is older.

Unknown said...

this nice clip work abt song...also beautiful