The lovely Annie at Blissful-Bohemian gave me this award and I am just so tickled pink! I am suppossed to pass it to 7 people. Well, I honestly have more than 7 I can think of but the rules say only seven.
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
So here it goes:
persisting stars because she shows me the hidden beauty in life.
Rochambeau so creative and generous of heart.
the small art of words because words are never a small art and she knows it.
Paris Parfait: Paris the teacher. I learn more from her than from any book.
Cherry Coloured she gets me, she is a visual genius.
come sit by my fire I am always happy to sit by her fire, it filled with so much magic.
My castle in Spain because my Lala lives like the Queen she is and makes me so happy with her pictures.
So there, those are the seven I picked but they are not all the blogs that bring me joy and happiness. You know who you are because I am constanly posting on yours.
you are very sweet yourself miss yoli and - deserve this lovely award! i don't all of your 7 so i must go a-visiting :) love the surprise new blog banner too! very ginko ;)
Congratulations on a very well deserved award!
I love, love, love your gorgeous new ginko header!!!
Thank you, dear Yoli. You are a generous friend with a lovely, inspiring blog. And, what company I am in. Thank you so much!
Love the header...You deserve the award, beautiful Yoli :-).
Congratulations on a well deserved award!
Thank you Yoli for this award. For you kind and gentle spirit that I feel from hundreds of miles away.
Your beautiful new banner is so YOU!
Congratulations on your award! I will be sure to check the other blogs that I don't already know and love.
oh!!! thank you ever so much :)
i feel so happy and nourished
by your bright spirit and
your BANNER ~ you have the
very BEST banners!
Congrats to you, lovely Yoli! And THANK YOU, thank you for passing along to me!!! I'm am honored :)
Beautiful new header.
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