Thursday, August 21, 2008

Remembrances of things past...

This simple image means the world to me. A very similar rocker sat in my grandmother's house in Cuba. I remember fondly being rocked by her in one of these. My friend Gillian went to Cuba and among her many pictures, there was this rocker. I saw it in her blog and it brought tears to my eyes. Being the thoughtful person that she is she sent me a copy of the photograph. I am holding it now and I will treasure it always. As someone who is in exile, this means the world. Thank you a million times Gilly!


kerri said...

How special, cherish those memories forever.
What a great friend you have there..

Gill said...

Oh pleasure :)

I'll find some more for you. I have a few special ones I think you'd like.

polkadot said...

I've known you 3 years and never knew you were in exile? I'm a bad friend.

I am so glad you have this picture to bring the good memories back. Your sweet kids will have many happy memories of the family you are making for them here and now!

Anonymous said...

what a special photograph to have, to bring back those memories and keep them close.


OH MY #6 said...

How lovely.


Annie Coe said...

That is lovely. Glad your memories are sweet :-).

Jeanne said...

Big hugs.
My Grandmother is a jewel to me as well.
Love and blessings

Tess Kincaid said...

Isn't it amazing when an object will trigger a flood of sweet memories like that? I had a wonderful grandmother, too, and cherish those fond, fond memories.

tangobaby said...

What a beautiful rocking chair! I would have only thought that if not for the story you shared, too.

I'm glad you were able to have some happy memories from your photo.

Gill said...

I keep revisiting this post. It saddens me. Why can't we have the happy days forever more?
I am teary to think of your grandmother and you.
We must embrace each precious moment.

Maia said...

I have looked at this rocking chair picture so many times now, loving it...but each time I've had a baby in one arm, and I can't type with only one hand on the computer...especially when baby's got her free hand on the mouse!

Mélanie said...

great post about souvenirs, about where we are from and how we were raised ...
I can understand you so well even if I'm not in exhile

Vivian M said...

I hope some day you can return to Cuba and visit your homeland. Or, you could become a Canadian citizen and go back as a tourist? Just a thought, in case you ever get tired of the heat and humidity and want a COLD breath of fresh winter air? I can dream....

Anonymous said...

"I keep revisiting this post. It saddens me. Why can't we have the happy days forever more?
I am teary to think of your grandmother and you.
We must embrace each precious moment.
this post and gillian's second comment helps me to do just that. remember to embrace the moment! love to you sweet yoli XO