Friday, January 30, 2009


Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

As a chronic insomniac the night is my world. I have come to love this quiet instrospective time. I surf the net and read my favorite blogs, I then sit down and write in my diary. Some times I have been tempted to write on my blog some of those personal thoughts but instead, I commit the personal thoughts (and the excessive degree of silly doodling) to paper. For me, my blog is a purely self indulgent exercise, my favorite quotes go in here, photography by all my beloved photographers (unless otherwise noted, none are mine) I feature causes which are dear to my heart and just sit back and enjoy my little corner of the world. I am surprised others find it interesting as well, that is very sweet.


Gabby said...

Oh, I think rather that she has the full, super-sized order of fries.

Maia said...

Love, love LOVE your new header, and the music. Very Arabian Nights.

ps - I have never been able to diary. I'm too self-conscious and I don't have the discipline. But if I did, I can tell you this one would be able to read it. My handwriting is illegible.

OH MY #6 said...

Oh my lordy, I love your new look!


High Desert Diva said...

Your blog is looking very exotic.

mama d said...

I think it's because you're one of the few who blog and create a new world.

BTW: my verification word is rurendr. Which, I believe, is an illegal act in your home state.

Lisa said...

I am never that productive when I can't sleep! I suspect if you ever do decide to share your doodley journaling with the blog world it will be fascinating.

Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...

Are you really an insomniac, or do you "just" require very little sleep?!

Love the dreamy photo on your header....

kitchu said...

love this new look.. i too am an insomniac, but i mostly lay in bed wishing i could sleep :O) and i have over 6 or 7 journals, keep all sorts of different things in each- poetry in one, mom stuff in another, adoption/E journaling in another/ new relationship musings in another... i'm weird that way :O)

Annie Coe said...

I love to come to your little corner of the world :-). The blue is great and I love the header.

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

I love the blue in night of your photograph... dreamy! :)

rosemary said...

I love the coming and going hours when it's only me. Either up much too late and all alone or awake far to early and all alone. But that is the time I cherish.

FishermansDaughter said...

I always enjoy my visits here - whimsical, deep, joyful, provocative - like you!

Samosas for One said...

Feel free to share your own writing here too! I would love to hear what is running around inside Yoli's head. :)

Maithri said...

My friend,

This is the miracle of all great art...

What is true in our own personal heart... is true for the world,

Blessings of love,