Dalai Lama
the leader of Tibet,
even in the wake
of exile and instability
of his land and people,
he remains an embodiment
of peace and compassion.
Tashi Delek,
As the 10th of March (50th year for Tibetans in Exile) is approaching, some of you might be joining with local Tibetans to protest. But to those who cannot make it this year, please: Please send a letter to the editorial, may be to your local newspaper about Tibet and their current situation. It does not matter wheather it gets published or not, the important thing is that they (newspaper) know that people are interested and do not forget, about Tibet.
There is a moving documentary called: Murder at Snow you can purchase it or make a donation at the following link: http://www.tibetmurderinthesnow.com/fund.html.
"There is no greater sorrow on Earth than the loss of one's native land" Euripides (Medea, v. 650-0651)
Tashi delek! Extra mantras today...especially the Heart Sutra and white tara meditations. The world is too small for so much suffering.
I am on it! 50-years. Unbelievable really.
I hope and pray the dear Dalai Lama lives to see the day to set foot on his homeland soil.
Thank u for this thoughtful post. I will check out the link.
wonderful blog
i never dreamt that HH dalai lama has admirers at china too. my thinking was that all people of china are hating HH. it proved to be wrong
thanks for nice blog
Hello! You left a comment at my blog awhile ago when I wasn't really blogging, and now that I've piked it up again, I can't remember if I ever got back to you or not! Your blog is VERY interesting, and I appreciated this particular post very much. I have such respect for the Dalai Lama, and I imagine that there aren't very many people in China who share that sentiment (I think you're in China but I'm not sure). Am I wrong about this? What are the people over there saying about the Dalai Lama these days?
Great quote you chose by Euripides.
That was a very good post. Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Yes, thank for the reminder, Yoli. It's important that we acknowledge that the Dalai Lama needs us to support the cause for Tibet. Too often, we see him as a popular leader who can help us with our own problems, forgetting that he is in exile. It's important to give back and do what we can for this most significant cause. 50 years is a long time to be away from home. <3
Fifty years... I've been meaning to read the Dalai Lama's book. I can't imagine living in exile from my country for so long but then, I can't imagine exiling someone for so long, especially for his or her spiritual beliefs.
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