Sunday, February 15, 2009


We are preparing our nest for another little one to join our happy family. Yes, we are adopting one more time. One last time. So, my regular flights of fancy will be from time to time interrupted to bring you updates.


Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...

best of luck & good wishes!

Maithri said...

What wonderful news my sister,

What wonderful news!!

Blessings of love and warmth to you and yours,


Vivian M said...

And we cannot wait to welcome him or her! May your paperchase be swift and painless, and your homestudies a breeze!

Cavatica said...


OH MY #6 said...

I am so excited for you!


tracy said...

So happy for you! And to the homestudy/paperchase gods - be swift about your business!

rosemary said...

Congratulations! Thrilled for your lovely family and for your future baby!

A Beautiful Mess said...

Congrats! It is good to hear that although you thought that door was wasn't locked:)

Hope everything goes quickly!

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Very Best Wishes and Congratulations!

Annie Coe said...

Exciting and wonderful! Good for you,and Godspeed! XOXO

Juliette said...

Just waooooo!
So happy and excited for you dear Yoli!

redmaryjanes said...

How exciting? Where are you adopting from? Boy or girl? I am so happy for you!

robin laws said...

oh my, oh my am i ever happy for you and your family! what a joy or unbearable excitement! i cannot wait to meet this lucky child.

i love you to the fullest of my heart my yoli!

rochambeau said...

SO happy to know you!!
You are a Super Star.

Sweet Baby Girl said...

Wonderful, Wonderful!!!

kitchu said...

i am smiling from ear to ear- i am so very, very happy for you my friend.

so very happy.
cannot wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

I am so, so happy for you! Would love to hear more, when you have time...

Miss you.

J said...

How exciting Yoli!

Diane said...

Wow!! What a monumental decision! How wonderful for all of you. Are you doing China again or elsewhere?

I miss you in the lounge.

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh! YES! Oh, this is good news. Congratulations to you all. What an enormous pile of blessings your children have in store.

Steffie B. said...

Oh I am so happy for you.....

Unknown said...

beautiful news. congratulations, yoli!!! looking forward to the updates. xox

Lost and Found said...

Detais, I want details

Sea Angels said...

How fabulous, how lovely, and thankyou to for your get well lovely you are xxxx
I will do the next box thinggy if you let me know xx
Hugs Lynn xx

Dutchbaby said...

Amazing and impressive, please tell us more!

My Castle in Spain said...

Oh Yoli...this is fantastic ! Congratulations and I really admire this...

Yoli, estoy buscando tu email para darte (por fin) los detalles HTML para conseguir fotos mas grandes. Me lo podrias dar, por favor ? Puedes mandarme un email si quieres (

Besitos !!!

ps : por cierto tu nueva bandeja...que bello !

Gill said...

Yoli so many heartfelt hugs kisses and congratulations to you!
Shrieking with happiness here!!! A new baby from China?
Oh man will your kids ever love it! A new family member, what could be more exciting. I am so very happy for you my friend.
Sending love love love....Gillian xoxo

FishermansDaughter said...

Though I've never had the pleasure of stewardship, Quaker parrots are among my very favorites birds. Such intelligent, endearing, charming, engaging, beautiful, mischief makers!
Gods speed home to your newest little one. Wonderful. Wonderful.

kerri said...

Wonderful news, congrats to you and your family,,

Susana said...

Felicidades y suerte!

Mélanie said...

Such wonderful news! Boy or girl ?

Anke said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news!!!!!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

How perfectly wonderful!

Susie of Arabia said...

Amazing Yoli - I am so happy to read this news - my very best wishes and all the happiness in the world to your family!