As the mother of a son, I do not accept that alienation from me is necessary for his discovery of himself. As a woman, I will not cooperate in demeaning womanly things so that he can be proud to be a man. I like to think the women in my son’s future are counting on me. ~Cottin Pogrebin, Letty
that is a good one.
Beautiful and words to live by.
A great, great quote. =)
That is sooooooooo right. I wish I had been brought up under that mantra.
Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Beautiful quote
I love that. Beautiful.
I could not agree more.
I want my son to be a man and to appreciate women. Not to only be a man if he is with a simpering female. That would totally suck.
About the grandma, Yoli, I was in the middle of chemo when Josephine was born and felt completly into myself and totally shitty and seriously when she was born, I suddenly felt better. I still had cancer but I felt so much better.
I am sending prayers to your mother in law.
And now with a new one coming, she will be even more excited.
Love Renee xoxoxo
a very beautiful quote. thanks for sharing it ... I just write it down ...
A wonderful sentiment, and I think I have raised my sons to appreciate strong women, but do be prepared for some alienation as they establish themselves as independent adults whether male or female....
That is a terrific quote!
I was a single mom of a little boy for 4 years before our family grew. My goal wasn't (still isn't) to baby him since it was just the two of us, but to help him be independent and self-sufficient for his future as a person as well as a friend, husband and father. Great quote!
I don't think the quote implies babying or a sickly attachment. All human beings must learn to stand on their two feet and it is a parent's job to encourage it and prepare them for this step. The role of parenting is to prepare them to leave you. However, there is the notion that for boys to be men, they have to repudiate their relationship and closeness with their mother. I do not agree with this assesment. The quote is great in that it takes the gentleness of man into consideration.
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