Passing by the lovely blog of ii-ne-kore I came upon a beautiful umbrella! This is imaginative and quite lovely. It is your own little cloud. It is the brain child of this company: Joon&Jung Designteller . It is only a concept but I hope it sees the light of day. I would be one of the first to buy it.
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston Hughes
Love the umbrella and quotes...especially Ruskin and "all weather is good"...quite true and practical...while we are on the subject of practical, I wonder if the umbrella manages the water flow?? Does the umbrella get heavy...does the water pool up...does it flow over your shoulders? and do you blow it up every time you use it? Does it have to be deflated by hand? Practicalities aside...I love the idea of walking under my own cloud too. <3
Just fabulous. Who wouldn't love to carry a cloud around to protect their pretty head. My 5 year old son would love, love, love.
Isn't that SO cool? I fell in love with that too, and saved it in my image file because it feels like an illustration-inspiration to me.
Wonderful umbrella! I love the quotes too. You have a little award over on my blog, come fetch it!
P.S. Love the header!!!!
Oh how totally cute!!! If you were in a bad mood, you could carry a dark grey one! lol
Talking about beautiful headeers Yoli. I love this.
Cool umbrella, I will be in line behind you so make sure when someone says I am cutting the line you tell them, 'It is saved.'
Oooh, love your new Amelie title page. So divine. I must see that movie again very soon. The sound track is my favourite and one was our wedding song. Just perfect Sunday at home music!
If it worked, it is great.
Who could not sing and dance in the rain with an umbrella like that one! How utterly exquisite, Yoli - trust you to find something so unique and beautiful. xxoo
PS. Have just spent ages catching up on your recents posts and, oh, what a pleasure it has been. Your blog is a feast for the eyes and the heart and the mind - all three. An absolute delight.
I love your new header and enjoyed those photos a lot. Having your little cloud would be so much fun.
Greetings from London.
Sign me up to be the second.
I love it !!!!
really really love this...few things i want to own but....this!
so magical!
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