Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Some of the art around district 798 in Beijing. These are just a couple of sculptures there is so much more to this place. Read about it here: Beijing's 798 Art District


Kenza said...

What a wonderful project! The last one is stunning. So expressive...

Juniper said...

Wow, really enjoyed seeing your photos of this disrict! Some very captivating and memorable scultpures. Thank you for sharing these.

Barbara said...

The next time we go, i want to spend all of our time in Beijing! Never heard of this - thanks!

Susie of Arabia said...

What a surprise - Amazing! It seems as though Beijing has lots of public art like Jeddah. Great photos!

Make it Easy said...

oooh what great and interesting sculptures!!!
i really like the white one sitting down!
so sad that people vandalize with the mean writing :-(

Yoli said...

I agree Aron.

Jocy said...

I've heard some very cool things about this district from a friend who lives in Beijing. I hope to visit there someday.

Fei An said...

I love to visit 798 as well. Lots of nice and fun art works there to see. The sculptures are just stunning. ...
Have you visit Shan XI, dear Yoli?