Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Google image

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."— Haruki Murakami


Tess Kincaid said...

OMG, I LOVE this quote! Ethereal photo, too.

Annie Coe said...

Beautiful, and true! Something most people do not realize.

A Cuban In London said...

Quite true. And yet we, inequivocably mix them up. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

mama d said...

a gem

marc aurel said...

True. Someone said that the skin of a scar is stronger, but you have to let it be.

Renee said...

Hard sometimes, very hard sometimes.

Hope you have a fun day with the kids today.

Love Renee xoxoxo

rochambeau said...

Beautiful quote Yoli! I learned it first through a book on tape called the Power of the Mind to Heal, by Joan Borysenko. Are you familiar with this? Dr Borysenko studied the interconnections of the mind, spirit and body at Harvard for 20 years, many years ago.

Thank you for the reminder!
Happy Wednesday friend!

Maia said...

I love Murakami, and that photo is gorgeous!

Prêt à Voyager said...

powerful. great combo of word and image.


Soojung Jo said...

Yoli, if you don't mind I may steal that photo for my blog. Where do you find the time for such beautiful quotes and photos?