Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My friend Rhonda alerted me to this hilarious spoof of Total Eclipse of the Heart.


Rhonda said...

Glad you liked it. ;)

Juliette said...

It's good when you have insomnia!
Yoli it seems I am joining you these days...can't sleep!
Too bad we are so far, I'd come chat with you with a good glass of wine and some chocolate.

Elyse said...

LOL! That was amazing...I saw a spoof where it's about stalkers, but I cannot find it now...anyway, totally amusing! =)

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Did you ever see the literal version of "Take On Me"? I think that one is my favorite--the video is just so incredibly 80s, it kills me... here's a link to it:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Did you ever see the literal version of "Take On Me"? that one is my favorite--the video is just SO incredibly 80s, it kills me... here's a link to it:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I have no idea why that posted twice! I don't mean to spam you, Yoli, honest... ^_^

Renee said...

Oh please thank your friend Rhonda. Laughed my head off.
