We go over phrases in this wonderful site: Chinese Words and Phrases for Adoptive Parents. We believe that the strongest link to a culture is language. We are firmly invested in having our children learn their native tongue. It is not easy but it is not impossible. Right now our children are bilingual, they speak English and Spanish, we are now working on getting them to learn Mandarin. Every Sunday they attend classes and as expected they are doing great. We also want to learn but it will take longer due to our age. However, we are not discouraged, nor will we give up.
Wonderful decision and I couldn't agree with you more. I also wanted my children to know Spanish because they are half Puerto Rican, which is one of the main reasons we moved to Puerto Rico. It's important that they feel whole and connected.They are both bilingual now...and I also have learned Spanish...with many mistakes still present. How complicated these years have been. Sometimes I have doubted my decision but I always come back to the primary reason for the decision. How validating for your children to know how important their identity and language is to their parents. <3
You will do it Yoli. How blessed our your children to have such a wonderful mother as you.
Love Renee xoxo
how great...it si hard as we get older.collecting little words here and there helps us...i am dreaming of similar things...our best friend speaks mandarin and we are hoping to learn more than just the bad words :)
That is so wonderful.
Very beneficial to their future as well.
Love Jeanne♥
Merci sweet Yoli ... for all your kind words. Love the new banner photo. Tis Amelie I do believe and oh that lamp, tres sweet
I think we all could learn from that list of phrases, starting with "you are beautiful" . This new generation of loved children will be a force in the world.
this is wonderful! languages like culture is a gift.
I went to a lecture on language offered by a Stanford scientist. She said that babies can accept up to six languages in their growing years. I commend you for your dedication in giving your children these gifts of language.
Could you please send me an e-mail (godutchbaby at yahoo dot com)with your address so that I can send you a small gift for this endeavor?
Good for you! I think even children born in the U.S. should be taught at least two languages from a young age...it would help broaden their horizons and make the rest of the world seem so much more accessible, I think. =) Good luck with Mandarin! My brother was surprised how easy he found it, after hearing horror stories of how difficult it is...hopefully you are finding the same! =D
Lovely Yoli, I'm sure your children will appreciate this. Language acquisition takes time and effort and I'm sure you have everything in you to achieve it.
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